For Those Wondering Who is Suddenly Supporting McCain...
It is important we take a moment now to understand who these McCain supporters are, and why they're suddenly "showing up" in McCain's poll numbers with one week to go. I'm going to post this first...
View ArticleSIFO
Now that Yes We Can turns into Make It Happen, I've begun to think through how the transition begins from the dark, ugly ages we just suffered through to the productive, involved ages we hope to...
View ArticleMy Fellow Americans
February 7, 2009American Newswire(Washington)Below is a transcript from President Obama's televised address to the American people last evening.
View ArticleBelieve it or not...I'm impressed
Multiple news outlets are now reporting that a deal has been struck on a final version of a $790 billion stimulus package, after a "whirlwind" tour through conference committee. As reported elsewhere,...
View ArticleTHEY think you are lazy, poor and apathetic. Are you??
For quite a while now, I have been responding to some quite good and worthwhile diaries that explore our need to continue our fight from 2008 into the elections in 2009 and 2010. Without question, the...
View ArticleTonight I am Proud to be American Again
Now that we have heard the rationale and the decision from our President himself, I feel equipped to form a reasonable opinion on the issue of Afghanistan. I read with great interest the thousands upon...
View ArticleF*cking Maddening - And Urgent
If it was never clear before it should be now.We are simply incapable of getting past ourselves and being resilient.We'd rather "stand or die" on every issue - every principle - than to remain...
View ArticleWhere's The Fury??!!
British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward woke up this morning still employed, just days after publicly lamenting that he would love to have the Deepwater Horizon disaster behind him so that he can "get his...
View ArticleThe Massive Distortion of Truth
"It makes no sense to me why if you and I have to balance our own budgets at home why government isn't forced to do the same..."This little nugget - bandied about endlessly by Rand Paul and numerous...
View ArticlePlease. Stop and Think. What We Saw in Cleveland Tonight Was Very Chilling....
First, let me acknowledge I don’t write often, and am much more comfortable watching and reading the many great diaries on here from those with far more time and ability to meaningfully contribute...
View ArticleIt's Pretty Cut and Dry
This much I know from what I saw today:Bernie Sanders is a class act. I knew I liked him when he declared his candidacy, and well before. I’ve always respected his progressive consistency and values,...
View ArticleShe. Just. Destroyed. Him.
Period. I have very little time to do much other than to state the bottom line. That was definitive. Easy to spot. Decisive. Complete.Hillary came off looking Presidential. Very. Yuuuuugely. Don’t...
View ArticleThree Hours. That's Some Quick "Work"...
Three hours.At 5:30 PM CDT on Monday, posted a long and intriguing piece called Was A Trump Server Communicating With Russia, written by Franklin Foer. The piece, as most of us know by now,...
View ArticleTop US Intel Officials Might Be Growing Concerned - Out the Russians Publicly...
It turns out that in the West Wing, a little hacking and a little interference with trivial things like U.S. elections and national security secrets are no big deal, especially when everyone is doing...
View ArticleMy Letter to Rep. Lewis (R, MN-2) Got A "Reply"
Just a little quick note as I try to calm down about my experience with writing my Representative, former “conservative shock jock” Jason Lewis in purple as a plum MN-2. Rep. Lewis rode Donald Trump’s...
View ArticleAdditional charges brought against Manafort by Mueller
Politico and other sources are out tonight with another chapter in a busy day from Team Mueller.Politico is reporting that Mueller and his team have informed the Federal judge handling the Manafort...
View ArticleIt's Really Too Bad...
In 1991, I graduated college with a nice degree, a future job that would pay me handsomely, and a healthy conviction that small government, tax reductions and Christian values were the right cocktail...
View ArticleBreaking: Lordy, there are tapes...
Breaking news tonight from Yahoo News Senior Reporter Michael Isakoff that Spanish authorities recently turned over copies of tapes from wiretap surveillance of Russia’s Alexander Torshin, a deputy...
View ArticleUp in Smoke - Huckabee Sanders to Leave White House by End of Year
CBS News is reporting tonight that Press Secretary and Chronic Truth Contortionist Sarah Huckabee Sanders is readying to leave the White House by the end of 2018. Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah is...
View Article#ImpeachTheMF is trending on Twitter...
Just thought you might want to know that #ImpeachTheMF is exploding on Twitter. On the same day Lou Dobbs called the Orange Moronge the “Master of the Twitter-verse”. What’s fascinating is how many...
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